Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Almost there..

"The LORD your God, who is going before you,
will fight for you."
Deuteronomy 1:30

I love the truth in this verse. Even as we are packing and getting ready to leave, God is already before us and making a way for the airport, on the plane, in Ghana..I'm so glad that I have a Savior who's planning, fighting, and preparing on my behalf.

It's hard to believe that in less than 24 hours we'll be flying over the Atlantic on our way to Ghana. I'm so, so excited. Today has been filled with non stop packing, running around, last minute errands, etc. Right now I'm trying to fight our "one 44 lb luggage" policy...not easy. AHH. Packing is definitely not enjoyable for me, and I'll be so happy once we're just in Ghana.

I can't believe this trip has come so soon. I know that God has big plans for our team and I'm so blessed and excited that I get to take part in them. Please continue to pray for our team as we prepare to leave and as we depart!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two weeks..

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent?"
Romans 10:14

Two weeks from this moment I'll be Africa bound on our first flight. I simply cannot wait. I'm so excited to see what God will do and can't wait to get back on African soil. Just thinking about those dirt roads, gorgeous Ghanian smiles, bumpy bus rides, long hot days, and the sights and smells of mud hut villages makes my heart beat faster and I seriously can't help but smile.

Today I got all my meds and one last shot at the doctor. Now all that's left to do is pack...not my favorite. Here's what I've got so far...
Looks like I've still got a ways to go..ahhhh can't wait. :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

21 days, 10 hours 30 minutes...

..until I leave for Africa. Not that I'm counting or anything..

Can you tell Ghana's on the mind? Yep. Saying that I'm excited is an understatement. I absolutely cannot wait to be walking through mud hut villages, sitting with precious African smiles around me, holding a sweet little child and sharing a Love these people have never heard of.

I'll be leaving on July 1st with a team of mostly youth. We'll be flying to Atlanta and then straight to Ghana. (Flying directly into Africa will be amazing..usually we have to go all the way up to London or Frankfurt first.) While there, we'll spend a couple of days in the capital city and surrounding villages, then head up to the northern region, a much more rural and poverty stircken (and HOT) portion of Ghana. There, we'll be doing a lot of open evangelism, presentations in the schools, relief work, and orphan care. I'm so pumped to see how God will use our team.

Please begin praying with us for this trip. Pray for preparation, safety, health, the people we will minister to and for the chief's of the villages to be open to our team. Prayer is critical on any mission trip and truly has a huge impact. To visit our team's blog and see more about the area we will go to and the work we'll be doing, go to .

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Way Of The Game

Driving back and forth. Being with awesome teammates. Sweating. Running. Shooting. Guarding. Bruising. = my weekend, also known as a basketball tournament.

I started thinking today about how basketball really does have so many similarities to everyday life. Yesterday we had games at 10am and then at 12pm. I remember thinking before the second game how I wasn't really in the mood to play anymore. I was icing my knee from the game before, I was tired from lack of sleep and I didn't really feel like working. But then I started thinking to myself...What good is it going to do for me to play with this mindset? I'm going to play the game no matter what. The coaches and teammates count on each of their players to be there and do their part- that's what being on a team is about. Playing with the mindset of "'I'd rather do something else', 'I'll let my team do the work', or 'I'm bruised, tired and don't feel like putting in the effort'" wasn't going to do me or my team any good at all, and I knew I needed to change my thinking.

I think this applies to so many of the things we do in life. There are times when we're sore, tired, grumpy, and just don't want to do what we need to accomplish. It'd be easy to sit back and pout or have a bad attitude about it, but either way we're still going to have to do that certain thing. That's the way of the game, and it's unavoidable. Having a poor, hateful, or angry mindset going into a task is never going to help us succeed- pessimist attitudes are only going to bring us and those around us down. Sometimes our outlook on things can transform results and have a greater effect then we know of. Stepping up to the plate and doing what our team needs us to do is part of life. We can do this with sighs, huffs, and puffs, or we can choose to take the higher road and play our part as a blessing, not as an annoyance or a stumbling block. Our Coach and teammates need us.

"A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken."
Proverbs 15:13

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In All Circumstances

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I remember how easy this verse seemed singing it as a song in vacation Bible school in 3rd grade. Why not be joyful? Why not give thanks in all circumstances? Life was easy and my hardest obstacle was tackling my new bar routine in gymnastics. But now, things aren't so easy and care-free. It'd be much simpler to translate the verse into "be joyful when there's something to be joyful about, pray when things don't go you're way, and give thanks whenever they do." But, we would fail to remember that last, and possibly most important section.."For this is GOD'S WILL for you in Christ Jesus." Not just His idea of what could be best, not His scheme to ruin our lives, not His plan to give us anything we could ever want...His "good, pleasing, and perfect will" (Roman's 12:2). God has a plan greater than any of us could ever imagine, and when we let go and realize it's all up to Him, our worries become so much simpler. We can't always control what's going on around us, but we can (and are told to) choose to be joyful, pray, and give thanks in all of our circumstances.