Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I'm currently laying on the couch, recovering from a stomach bug. Ew. Last night was terrible! Apparently it's going around pretty bad. About twenty people from a get-together we went to on Sunday all have the same thing! G-r-o-s-s. My Mom and Kyle both have it, too. Somehow these things always seem to happen when my Dad is away. When we were younger Kyle and I always seemed to spike a 106 degree fever when he was gone on business, or Kyle would break a finger or bust his head open while Dad's gone. Now 3 out of the 4 of us at home are all sick, and he's in Ethiopia. How does this work?? Beats me. But it sounds like he's having an amazing trip. Please keep him in your prayers. So far they've visited several orphanages and HIV positive clinic type places, and on Friday they are actually going to be having a meeting with the president of Ethiopia! Pretty amazing.

Thanks for your prayers.. Hope you don't catch whatever bug I had! Not fun.

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