Saturday, May 17, 2008

Today's the day!!

Hi everyone! Well, today is the day I leave! I'm so excited. It's a weird feeling that you get before you leave for a trip like this. I'm really excited, and partially nervous. Not a bad nervous though. I'm anticipating my stay, but at the same time it is always sad to tell your family goodbye at the airport. (Don't tell anyone, but I think it is harder for them than it is for me. =) )

Today I have been doing some last minute packing, and we are going to take some pictures to send with our dossier to Africa. Today is also my brother's 12th birthday!!!!!! So....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We will open presents and have cake later before I leave. We meet at the airport at 3:45pm, and my flight is at 6:50pm. From then on, I usually have no idea what time or day it is until I get to China. Crossing the international date line and having different time changes always confuses me. All I know is that it is a 15 hour flight across the ocean, no matter what day or time it is. =P
Well, I need to finish packing a few things and getting things together. Thank you so much to each of you, for your support and prayer. I will be updating on here during my trip, so hopefully I can do that every other day or so.
Love you guys!!!

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